
Application Delivery in Azure Stack

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Kemp’s Virtual LoadMaster(VLM) is the first and only Application Delivery Controller and Load Balancer available in Azure Stack. VLM for Azure Stack is a full-featured, advanced Layer 4-7 load balancing and content switching and management application delivery controller which provides the critical application delivery functionality and Global Server Load Balancing (GSLB) capability required for hybrid cloud solutions. Kemp’s VLM additionally secures applications and application servers with the  Edge Security Pack and Web application Firewall (WAF) options.
Microsoft’s Azure Stack brings the benefits of cloud computing on-premises for Enterprise clients. The Azure public cloud now extended to the on-premises datacenter or a hosting environment provides the flexibility and control that customers are seeking. The Azure Stack allows for consistency between processes and tools across cloud, on-premises or hosting environments when accessing legacy, standard or cloud-native applications
Kemp brings many years of expertise in supporting a variety of workloads including Healthcare Applications, Education Applications, Virtual Desktop Applications, Mobile Device Management and others in addition to Microsoft applications such as SharePoint,, IIS, and ADFS. Kemp leverages this experience to bring these  applications to Azure Stack.
Virtual Loadmaster provides a comprehensive, integrated set of Layer 4-7 features which are all managed through a single interface. Also, RESTful, Java and PowerShell APIs are available making the VLM attractive to both developers and administrators alike. Virtual LoadMaster is currently available in the Azure Stack as BYOL and metered licensing options. Metered licensing enables usage-based offerings in Azure Stack.
Whether you are looking to rapidly prototype a new cloud service or build a global business, Kemp’s LoadMaster can provide the performance, scalability, and security you need for reliable application delivery.
Kemp cloud experts are available to help with integration and migration needs at all stages of a project, from inception to production.

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