Kemp Project Registration

Register Project

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Project Registration
I am signing up as:

Reseller details:

Distributor details: 

Consultant details:

Potential competitors?

Location of Data Center (where the LoadMasters will be kept)
Would you like to schedule a demo with this customer?

By submitting this form you confirm Kemp has the right to contact the End User and may use their details to keep them informed of our products and services. Kemp’s privacy policy is available here

Select products required:

Are you ready to fill out the details for the project?





Approval criteria includes:

  • Preference to those who are first to register.
  • The registration data must be complete and accurate. End customer project details must be included (confidentiality rules apply).
  • Deals can qualify for an additional 10% project registration discount.
  • Project registration discounts do not apply to leads & opportunity referrals provided by Kemp to partners.
  • Terms & Conditions apply. Please check with your Kemp sales rep if your project is eligible for additional discount

Upon approval of your Project Registration you may
be eligible for additional discounts.

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