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Kemp How to do MFA with Google CAPTCHA blog post image

How to do MFA with Google CAPTCHA using Kemp LoadMaster

This blog post is intended to provide technical guidance on how to deploy Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) with Google Authenticator (CAPTCHA) using Kemp LoadMaster load balancer to a Microsoft Exchange backend …

January 24, 2020

How to use Ansible to automate the configuration and deployment of load balancers

Ansible is an opensource toolset (available from ansible.com) that automates the deployment and configuration of application and networking resources. It makes use of playbooks that define the resource configurations through …

December 3, 2019

How the cloud is changing Application Delivery

The State of Application Experience [AX] 2019 Report from Kemp has highlighted some interesting points on how the move to cloud is changing the way applications are delivered. Moving to …

November 19, 2019

Kemp Default Blog Image

How Load Balancer Licensing and Consumption Impacts IT Agility

IT system agility is an essential design criterion for modern web, cloud, and hybrid application delivery. The ability to flex provision as demand changes needs to be built into designs …

October 21, 2019

Enabling TLS 1.2 on Exchange Server 2013 & 2016 – Part 2

This is the second part of a blog post that discusses why and how you should adopt Transport Layer Security (TLS) 1.2 across your IT infrastructure generally and within Exchange …

September 19, 2019

Automation, DevOps and Streamlining

Our load balancer, Kemp Loadmaster, and our monitoring & management platform, Kemp 360 Central, provide market-leading tools to help organizations deliver the best application experience to their staff and customers. …

September 10, 2019

Pay-As-You-Go Load Balancing for VMware Cloud on AWS

VMware virtualization solutions provide the foundation for many of the applications and systems at the core of the modern business. The advent of VMware Cloud™ on AWS has allowed many …

August 26, 2019

How to deploy a Kemp load balancer in 1 min in Hyper-V

ometimes, when you are trying to provision something in a test environment, lab or as a POC , the provisioning process for a load balancer could take longer than planned. Kemp LoadMaster is designed to be a very agile and flexible solution and supports a number of different hypervisor and cloud platforms

Meeting Federal Architecture Requirements

Federal IT projects that go out to tender are required to select bids that deliver the least cost technically acceptable solution. The Federal requirements included in network and application-centric procurements …

June 19, 2019