NGINX is a high performance webserver designed to handle thousands of simultaneous requests and has become one of the most deployed web server platforms on the Internet. Kemp LoadMaster can provide Single Sign-On across multiple applications including those hosted on NGNIX. LoadMaster offers a number of authentication options including Active Directory, Kerberos Constrained Delegation (KCS), LDAP, RADIUS and SAML and provides a single point of control for user access to applications. Two factor authentication schemes are also supported.
Kemp LoadMaster ticks all the boxes for an easily deployed reverse proxy that secures and enhances the application delivery infrastructure. It is available as a virtual appliance that may be deployed on a local hypervisor, as a virtual appliance on major cloud platforms and as a physical device. Regardless of the deployment model, Loadmaster is a proven, easily managed, supported and fully featured Reverse Proxy for NGNIX and other web server environments.
In fig 1. above, users are presented with a custom authentication form where the credentials provided are authenticated via LoadMaster. LoadMaster supports multiple SSO domains for different groups (e.g. Staff or Partners) on different security domains. Once authenticated, the remote user can seamlessly access the SSO enabled applications – in this case NGNIX, Exchange OWA and Sharepoint.
LoadMaster is available as a 30 day trial or if you have traffic requirements of less than 20Mbit/s then you can have a LoadMaster for free. The trials are delivered as pre-built appliances for the major hypervisor platforms or if you wish, you can select the trial and free versions from the Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) marketplaces.
The LoadMaster documentation set provides guidelines on how to deploy and configure a LoadMaster appliance to load balance application workloads on NGINX and how to configure advanced features such as single sign-on and reverse proxy for NGINX. The following documents will assist with getting started with SSO for NGNIX.
Custom images for user authentication dialogs can be downloaded here
As well as offering SSO services, LoadMaster delivers a wide range of features to enhance the performance, availability and manageability of application delivery infrastructure.