Description Comtrade System Integration is focused on helping businesses enhance performance and efficiency through our innovative system integration services. The company was founded in 2001 and employs more than 200 IT professionals with top industry certifications. Through our partnerships with global technology leaders, including Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and EMC we offer premium IT products, professional services and expertise in design, development and integration of systems and applications. Over the years, our portfolio has grown to include networking, virtualization, data migration, infrastructure software solutions and other services.
Email [email protected]
Phone 381 11 2015 600
Locality Belgrade
Thoroughfare Savski nasip 7
Postal Code
Country Serbia
Description IBL-Unisys is a part of IBL Group of Companies - the leading group in Pakistan in distribution, marketing & manufacturing of a range of global brands. IBL-Unisys is a system integrator supplying, implementing and supporting “best of breed” technology solutions in partnership with world class manufacturers including Cisco, Dell, EMC, Hitachi Data Systems, Kemp, Microsoft, Unisys, VMware, SAP, BMC & Oracle. IBL-Unisys focuses on large enterprises in the private and public sector who run mission critical IT systems which are strategic to their business i.e. where downtime is not an option. IBL-Unisys is recognized as a trusted advisor by clients who depend on the company to help solve their technology related challenges and to stay with them till successful completion of their IT projects.
Email [email protected]
Phone +92-21-35610071 to 74
Locality Karachi
Premise M.T. Khan Road, Lalazar,
Thoroughfare 5th Floor, Bahria Complex II,
Postal Code 74000
Country Pakistan
Description Perfekt are Information Technology specialists and major supplier of IT Infrastructure, Software Development and Consulting Services to the Australian market We offer a range of services to help organisations achieve the most out of their IT infrastructure. Our mission is to solve technology challenges for our customers, by delivering industry best practice, competitive IT products and services.
Email [email protected]
Phone +91-22-66105366
Locality Caulfield South
State VIC
Thoroughfare Level 1, 936 Geln Huntly Road, Caulfield South, Victoria
Postal Code 3162
Country Australia
Description Marand is establishing a global network of partnerships with leading international system integrators and technical consultants as well as providers of complimentary hardware and software products. Based on the success of its project teams, long term engineering agreements have been formed with several international companies. The software engineering capabilities of Marand are based on ISO 27001 quality systems standardization. Marand is distinguished highly skilled and qualified staff mastering leading edge technologies participating in various enterprise wide projects.
Email [email protected]
Phone + 386 1 470-31-00
Locality Ljubljana
Thoroughfare Koprska ulica 100
Postal Code 1000
Country Slovenia
Description Compuway предоставляет своим клиентам технологичные и инновационные решения в области информационных технологий, базирующиеся на лучших мировых практиках. Compuway использует тщательный и взвешенный подход в выборе решений , обеспечивающий стабильную и эффективную работу IT среды клиента.
Email [email protected]
Phone (495) 925-5519
Locality Старокалужское ш, д.62,
Thoroughfare г. Москва,
Postal Code стр. 7
Country Russia
Description IComm is an award-winning consultancy and provider of integrated unified communications, IT and cloud services across Australia. Founded in 2001, IComm is headquartered in Melbourne and offers services in locations nation-wide. Our range of solutions are designed to provide flexibility, coverage and scale to your organisation and transform it to a technologically savvy and productive communications environment.
Email [email protected]
Phone 1300-881-641
Locality Melbourne
State VIC
Thoroughfare 387 Flemington Road North
Postal Code 3051
Country Australia
Description Компания работает по всей России в сфере ИТ с 2008 года, выполняя проекты по информатизации и автоматизации деятельности частных и государственных организаций, предоставляя облачные решения и сервисы. Комплексный подход к выполнению поставленных задач дает возможность профессионально выполнять ИТ-услуги полного цикла, от анализа программного и аппаратного уровня инфраструктуры до ее модернизации и масштабирования; от поставки аппаратных компонентов до развертывания частных ЦОДов.
Email [email protected]
Phone +7 (495) 646-14-71
Locality корп. 1,
Premise Походный проезд 4,
Thoroughfare 125373, г. Москва,
Postal Code офис 601
Country Russia
Description Managed Service: Einfach sicher - Pallas ist Dienstleister für Managed Security Service und Secure Hosting. Wir betreiben Security-Systeme vor Ort beim Kunden und in unserer eigenen Infrastruktur, natürlich mit Helpdesk, 24x7 Monitoring, Reporting, Incident- und Patch-Management, sowie Backup. Wir betreiben außerdem mehrfach abgesicherte Internet-Server und -Applikationen. Unsere Spezialisten beraten bei der Konzeption und Prüfung der Infrastruktur im Hinblick auf Informationssicherheit und Datenschutz.
Email [email protected]
Phone +49 2232 - 1896 - 0
Locality Brühl
Thoroughfare Hermülheimer Str. 8a
Postal Code 50321
Country Germany
Description Integrando sinérgicamente el conocimiento de nuestros profesionales, sumamos experiencias adquiridas en: Telecomunicaciones e Internet, en Desarrollo de Soluciones y Mejora de Procesos. Presentamos una amplia gama de soluciones y servicios corporativos, que permiten al cliente centrarse en su negocio mientras nosotros nos encargamos de su entorno productivo basado en alta Ingeniería, Tecnologías de la Información e Internet.
Email [email protected]
Phone 56.2 2694 3900
Locality Santiago
Thoroughfare Avda. Pedro de Valdivia 5841 Macul
Postal Code
Country Chile
Description A Akcela Software é uma empresa brasileira fundada em 2006 com forte atuação na área de networking, infraestrutura, application delivery, security, mobile management além de oferecer consultoria em outras áreas da Tecnologia da Informação
Email [email protected]
Phone 55 11 2122-4058
Locality Vila Hamburguesa
State SP
Premise 1700 - 904
Thoroughfare Bloco D - Av. Queiroz Filho
Postal Code 05319-000
Country Brazil
Description Desde sus inicios en 1989, Visión Software, empresa colombiana con presencia tanto nacional como internacional, ha tenido como objetivo principal el convertir su pasión por la tecnología en productos y servicios especializados que agregan valor, mediante el mejoramiento en la calidad y eficiencia en los procesos, y la productividad de las personas que trabajan para las organizaciones que servimos.
Email [email protected]
Phone 57 1 3170049
Locality Bogotá
Thoroughfare Carrera 7 # 71-52 Torre B Of. 1302
Postal Code
Country Colombia
Description Econocom designs and implements innovative, efficient, cost-effective solutions to speed up the digital transformation of companies and assist them in the following areas: Data Centre, End User environment, Networks and security and Applications, the projects Econocom works on are centred on digital technologies and the new patterns of use, from designing innovative, effective solutions combining infrastructures and applications to managing them, Econocom assists its clients in their digital transformation.
Email [email protected]
Phone +32 2 718 26 11
Locality Zaventem
Thoroughfare Leuvensesteenweg, 510/B80
Postal Code 1930
Country Belgium
Description SoftwareONE’s unique Software Portfolio Management methodology takes you to the next level of optimization based on best practices, integrated processes and pro-active management of Software Lifecycles. Your customer specific Software Portfolio Management program will ensure cost-efficiency, well planned IT investments and sustainable governance by combining the commercial, technical, and compliance perspective.
Email [email protected]
Phone 56223093300
Locality Las Condes Santiago
Premise Office 43
Thoroughfare Gertrudis Echeñique 30
Postal Code
Country Chile
Description Headquartered in Sydney, Australia and with offices in Singapore, New Zealand and India, SAPPLY is a Value Added IT Distribution business with a focus on Infrastructure / Enterprise hardware along with client peripherals. We pride ourselves on staff having high levels of customer service skills and product knowledge to be best able to assist our clients. Our staff are long term, dedicated and knowledgeable with an average of 20 years in the IT industry. SAPPLY represents leading manufacturers including Amulet Hotkey, Mellanox, Apricorn, Fusion-IO, Kemp Technologies, Atdec, 3M, Solarflare and 3DConnexion
Email [email protected]
Phone +64-9309-0204
Locality Auckland
Premise North Shore Mail Centre,
Thoroughfare PO Box 100-295,
Postal Code Auckland
Country New Zealand
Description ACW Distribution (Phils.) Inc. is a value-added IT Distributor with headquarters in Hong Kong. It represents best-of-breed solutions that provide value to SMB and Enterprise customers thru enabled Channel Partners. Its product portfolio addresses key issues affecting most businesses particularly on integration, security, availability and storage that is required in most compliance standards today.
Email [email protected]
Phone +63-2-7065592
Locality Pasig City
Premise F. Ortigas Jr. Road
Thoroughfare 23/F The Orient Square, Ortigas Center
Postal Code 1605
Country Philippines
Description Компания <АйДиТи> - один из ведущих отечественных поставщиков лицензионного программного и аппаратного обеспечения, системный интегратор в области инфраструктурных проектов и автоматизации проектно-конструкторских работ. <АйДиТи> ведет свою деятельность по всей территории России: центральный офис базируется в Москве, а региональные подразделения расположены в Санкт-Петербурге, Екатеринбурге, Красноярске, Ростове-на-Дону и Ставрополе; работают также представители и в других городах страны.
Email [email protected]
Phone +7 (495) 287-48-12
Locality Краснобогатырская д.6,
Thoroughfare 107564, г. Москва, ул.
Postal Code стр.2
Country Russia
Description Kompanija RSCOM d.o.o. Banja Luka osnovana je 2015.godine i od tada djeluje kao sistem integrator pružajući sveobuhvatna ICT rješenja koja su prilagođana potrebama krajnjih korisnika. Uspješnost ove kompanije ogleda se u zavidnim poslovnim referencama koje su rezultat uspješnog rješavanja aktuelnih zahtjeva tržišta iz oblasti projektovanja i razvoja, konsaltinga, implementacije, nadzora, održavanja i unapređivanja sofisticiranih ICT sistema.
Email [email protected]
Phone +387 51 224 760
Locality Banja Luka
Thoroughfare Kralja Petra I Karađorđevića 91
Postal Code 78000
Country Bosnia and Herzegovina
Description We design, develop and maintain information systems based on advanced technological solutions of global IT leaders. Thanks to the experience and knowledge of our experts, we will make you a custom-made systems.
Email [email protected]
Phone +385 1 6690 299
Locality Zagreb
Thoroughfare Koturaška 47
Postal Code 10000
Country Croatia
Description Since 1996, we’ve been supporting and guiding our clients to help them leverage technology to be more successful. Officially, we design, implement, and support business computer networking systems, but we understand that the most important aspect is exceeding your expectations every time you work with us. From cloud-based, fully outsourced and managed networks, to advanced technology projects and support, we will provide you with the same peace of mind that has our clients singing our praises.
Phone (919) 856-2300
Locality Raleigh
State NC
Thoroughfare 1600 Hillsborough Street
Postal Code 27605
Country United States
Description Certu is een ICT dienstverlener die sinds 2003 actief is op de Nederlandse markt. Vanuit Amsterdam en Utrecht ondersteunen we het MKB en diverse non-profit organisaties met innovatieve, duurzame oplossingen. ICT wordt vaak als complex en niet transparant ervaren. Daarnaast verandert de techniek razend snel en is het moeilijk om bij te houden hoe u het maximale uit uw organisatie kunt halen door deze technieken in te zetten. Certu helpt u inzicht te krijgen. We houden van heldere communicatie en korte lijnen. Wij vertalen lastige, technische vraagstukken naar begrijpbare keuzes. Hierdoor houden onze klanten meer tijd over om zich te richten op hun eigen kernactiviteiten. Certu levert haar IT consultancy diensten in alle sectoren en is gespecialiseerd in het uitvoeren van werkzaamheden binnen de medische sector.
Email [email protected]
Phone 085 - 487 30 90
Locality Utrecht
Thoroughfare Prof. Jan Bronnerlaan 192
Postal Code 3541AL
Country Netherlands