Tag: Security

Web Application Firewall: A Crucial Element to Your Cybersecurity Success

In this blog, we’ll outline the benefits of a Web Application Firewall and what to look for and consider when choosing a WAF solution.

May 14, 2024

What is a Web Application Firewall (WAF) and Why Do You Need One?

Read more about Web Application Firewall to protect your applications from cyber attacks.

February 1, 2023

Adding Layered Security to Cloud Applications

The internet is a dangerous place, with many bad actors using automated tools to attack organizations of all sizes, 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Regardless of your …

October 17, 2022

Web Traffic Encryption with TLS/SSL and Progress Kemp LoadMaster

Protecting your organization from the ever-changing threat landscape requires a defense strategy that deploys multiple technologies and human factors at multiple levels. One of the most important is data encryption …

September 27, 2022

Give Online Learning Applications a Performance Boost

With the increased demand for remote and online learning, Moodle — the premier open-source learning platform designed to provide educators, administrators, and learners with a single system to create personalized …

August 30, 2022

Implement Single Sign-On and Pre-Authentication for any application with Okta and Progress Kemp LoadMaster

Organizations experience a challenge in making applications easily available anytime and anywhere while also maintaining the balance between access security and user experience. Today, application access patterns have moved towards …

August 2, 2022

Making OpenEdge All It Can Be with LoadMaster

Progress customers build some of their most mission-critical applications with the OpenEdge application development platform. Many have also taken the next step, moving these applications to the Progress Application Server …

July 28, 2022

Secure and Optimize eHealth Applications and Gain Reliable Delivery, Resiliency

eHealth applications are reshaping healthcare as we know it and modernizing how healthcare providers:  Compile and store computer-based patient records  Schedule patients, physicians, technicians, and facilities   Store and retrieve digital …

July 19, 2022

Legacy Application Security 101: Protecting enterprises from malicious cyberattacks

Many organizations have legacy applications in use that are delivering essential business functionality. But many of these applications cannot use modern security features available to those built on current technology …

June 9, 2022

Preventing A Facebook Type Services Outage

The October the 4th service outage at Facebook, which also took Instagram and WhatsApp offline, had a major impact on many people. An outage of services that have billions of …

November 25, 2021

Manage security threats with MITRE ATT&CK Framework

Kemp Technology Evangelist Frank Yue recently posted a blog post called What Is The MITRE ATT&CK Framework? that describes how organizations can use the MITRE ATT&CK framework to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.  …

October 21, 2021

Kemp Security Series 2020 – Part 4: LoadMaster and SIEM Log Analysis

Kemp LoadMaster is a great addition to any application delivery or general network infrastructure. In addition to features like application delivery, load balancing, SSL/TLS offloading, and authentication, LoadMaster also helps protect against common web security threats.

June 3, 2020

Kemp Security Series 2020 – Part 3: Identity Access

Augmenting password systems is becoming increasingly standard for internet-facing applications and services. This post explains how you can help secure your Internet facing services.

June 3, 2020

Kemp Security Series 2020 – Part 1: Application Security

The Trustwave Global Security report demonstrates that most organizations need to do more to mitigate risks to their applications on the web. Kemp can be your partner in achieving this as we have the experience and the tools you need.

June 3, 2020

Kemp Security Series 2020 – Part 2: SSL/TLS Security

Application Security is more important now than ever. The second part of the Kemp security series details how to keep your applications secure with the LoadMaster.

June 3, 2020

DDoS attacks – The damage they cause and how you can prevent them

The cost of dealing with DDoS attacks can be high, this post will explain the damage they cause and how you can prevent them.

10 Reasons You Need to Monitor Your Load Balancer

When it comes to application delivery monitoring there are a number of approaches that can be taken. Application performance monitoring (APM) enables insight into almost unlimited performance metrics on application …

February 25, 2020

DNS, Load Balancing and DDOS attacks

Throughout history, civilizations have suffered from a false sense of security. One of the most famous incidents occurred during the war between Greece and Troy. The Trojans felt so confident …

November 3, 2016

Kemp Default Blog Image

Application Centric DDOS Protection

Introduction Denial of Service (DoS) and Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks have been a prevalent method of disrupting service delivery from websites and other Internet based services for years. …

August 3, 2016

Top 15 Tips to Increase Exchange Security

Email is an essential business enabler in most organizations. Emails are also considered as legal transactions just like any other document created and circulated by a company. It is therefore …

June 28, 2016