Tag: LoadMaster

Blog Posts

16 KEMP Blog Posts You May Have Missed in 2016

16 Posts You May Have Missed in 2016 As we head into 2017, we’ve consolidated some of the news that you may have missed over the last year. Advanced Application …

January 5, 2017

top 16 blog posts

Top 16 KEMP Blog Posts of 2016

Top 16 of 2016 With 2016 behind us, we’ve collected the most popular KEMP blog posts of 2016 in one place so that you can take another look and prepare …

January 5, 2017

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Using a WAF to help Deliver PCI DSS

If an organization wants to take credit card payments over the Internet then it has to implement the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard. This standard is generally known via …

November 2, 2016


Pre-Authentication with AAD Domain Services in Azure

As new features are added to the public cloud, we need to continuously re-analyze the products we use to see what we are able to take advantage of. Recently, Microsoft …

February 17, 2016

Free Loadbalancel

Announcing the New FREE LoadMaster™ Application Load Balancer

A free version of our popular VLM application load balancer is now available for unlimited use, making it easy for IT developers and open source technology users to benefit from …

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How to Choose a Load Balancer for Microsoft Exchange

When your organization is in the market for a load balancer, and you happen to find yourself as the one tasked with the project, it can be a bit confusing …

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A Look at Multi-Factor Authentication

Educated technology customers have come to expect a lot more from application delivery and load balancing solutions deployed from VMware, Microsoft and Oracle. These expectations include flexible authentication options to …

cisco ucs load balancer

Power of LoadMaster for UCS Illustrated by Cisco France Datacenter Blog

By Atchison Frazer, CMO, KEMP Technologies As we approach Cisco Live ANZ in Melbourne, in which KEMP Technologies is a proud exhibition sponsor, it’s a good time to shine the …

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How the Award Winning KEMP Loadmaster 5300 Load Balancer can help Optimize your IT Infrastructure

When KEMP Technologies received the prestigious UK Network Computing IT Optimization Product of the Year 2013 and even came runner up as Hardware Product of the Year 2013, it was …

October 7, 2013

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KEMP Reseller-Partner? LoadMaster Training Programme in UK with Getech

Are you a KEMP Reseller or Partner? Are you involved in the design, deployment, administration or technical support of LoadMaster appliances and software? KEMP Certified Engineer Bootcamp is for you! …

September 9, 2013

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Load balancing Remote Desktop Services Web Access & Gateway with KEMP Load Master for Azure

Guest post by Freek Berson, Microsoft MVP on RDS Recently, Kemp Technologies has released their KEMP LoadMaster for Azure which they offer for free! I wrote a quick blog post …

September 4, 2013

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FIPS 140-2, KEMP Load Balancers, and How to Save the Government a Half Million Dollars

FIPS 140-2 sounds like something from Star Wars denoting some particular class of droid, but it has a much more practical impact on the world, especially if you’re working in …