Description Gloster is a significant business network solution supplier of the domestic IT market in Hungary for over 15 years. It is of principal importance for us that the solutions delivered by us provide our clients with the highest quality available using cutting edge technology. Based on multiple years of professional experience, we use the product of market leader technology manufacturers. Our professional technical knowledge and high availability of our services ensure the happiness of more than a hundred of our clients.
Phone +36 1 456 8010
Locality Nagytarcsa
Thoroughfare Csonka János u. 1/A
Postal Code H-2142
Country Hungary
Description rhipe is the Cloud Channel Company. We provide licensing, business development and knowledge services that support services providers, system integrators and software vendors accelerate the adoption of the cloud by end customers. As a Cloud 1st, Channel 1st company, rhipe is recognised as the leading expert in subscription software licencing in Asia Pacific, with a multi-award-winning services and support division recognised by peers and vendors as the industry leader.
Phone 1300 732 009
Locality Melbourne
State VIC
Thoroughfare L7, 277 William St
Postal Code 3000
Country Australia
Description New Vision SoftLan es una empresa canaria fundada en el año 2000. En la actualidad es una compañía de implantación nacional especializada en servicios de ciberseguridad para empresas. Auditamos y protegemos sus aplicaciones y sistemas corporativos, innovando continuamente para ofrecer servicios de ciberseguridad de próxima generación que protejan el conjunto de la cadena de valor, desde el principio hasta el final. La flexibilidad de nuestras soluciones y servicios, la independencia tecnológica, la alta cualificación y talento de nuestros profesionales, el reconocimiento y colaboración con los principales organismos internacionales en la materia, son los pilares de la seguridad y protección que brindamos. Disponemos de una amplia cartera de productos y herramientas desarrolladas en nuestra área de I+D+i, manteniendo acuerdos de colaboración con los principales fabricantes del mercado para ofrecer siempre la solución y el soporte más adecuado. Asimismo, desarrollamos productos de ciberseguridad propios, como Mitra Antiransomware, que protege de ataques de Ransomware a empresas deteniendo el ataque y recuperando la información afectada a tiempo real. Con una distribución internacional, actualmente Mitra Antiransomware se encuentra en 18 países mediante acuerdos de distribución y partners.
Phone (+34) 922 23 57 89
Locality santa cruz de tenerife
State Santa Cruz de Tenerife
Thoroughfare Calle Tamadaya, Edif. Preysa IV Local B
Postal Code 38009
Country Spain
Description CSA fue fundada en el año 1996, desarrollando desde entonces, su actividad en la provisión de servicios y soluciones en Sistemas de Informática y Comunicaciones. Actualmente cuenta, con una plantilla formada por 250 profesionales especializados en las diferentes áreas de actividad: Ingeniería y consultoría, Outsourcing, Seguridad, Desarrollo e implantación de sistemas de información, dando alcance a distintos sectores de actividad: Industria, Servicios, Administración Pública, Banca y Bolsa y Logística y Distribución. Para CSA, la Tecnología no es el fin sino el medio por ello, todos sus proyectos tienen un alto valor tecnológico, pero sin perder de vista el objetivo final.
Phone 947 25 62 50
Locality Madrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Paseo de la Castellana 93, Planta 12.
Postal Code 28046
Country Spain
Description CYSE, es la unidad de negocio de Ciberseguridad del Grupo Sermicro, cuya misión es proporcionar servicios y soluciones de seguridad con la máxima calidad y prestaciones, proporcionando al cliente un acceso rápido y sencillo a las mejores tecnologías de seguridad TI y cuyo objetivo es controlar, conocer y minimizar un posible ataque en la organización. Cuenta con un equipo altamente especializado y entre los servicios que puede proporcionar están: Seguridad Gestionada, Protección End Point, Concienciación y Formación, Firewalling, WAF, NAC, E-mail security, Acceso Remoto Seguro, Análisis de Tráfico de Red, Cifrado Corporativo, IRM, etc
Locality Madrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Calle Pradillo 48-50
Postal Code 2802
Country Spain
Description Proveedor de Servicios y Soluciones TI para el ecosistema digital. Amplia experiencia en Servicios Gestionados y Seguridad
Phone +34 678 45 09 36
Locality Rivas-Vaciamadrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Parque Empresarial Rivas Futura, Edificio Beta, Calle Marie Curie, 7.
Postal Code 28521
Country Spain
Description En Sothis dedicamos tiempo y esfuerzo a entender de forma detallada cómo definen nuestros clientes el éxito. Con ello, les ayudamos a beneficiarse de los avances tecnológicos, simplificar la complejidad de su TI y a definir la arquitectura de transformación que mejor encaje con su estrategia de negocio. Todo ello, con la finalidad de que estén mejor protegidos y sean más eficientes y más productivos mediante la integración de los tres principales activos de las organizaciones: personas, procesos e información.
Phone +34 902 88 35 33
Locality Paterna
State Valencia
Thoroughfare Ronda Auguste y Louis Lumière, 23.
Postal Code 46980
Country Spain
Description Lambert Consulting is a family owned business, on a human scale, dynamic, sustainable, and with more than 25 years of experience in IT. It provides engineering services with high added value, and is renowned for carrying out complex projects in national and international environments.
Phone +41 21 806 37 15
Locality Renens
Thoroughfare Avenue des Baumettes 9
Postal Code 1020
Country Switzerland
Description Founded in the Year 2000, at the early turn of the century, PT. Pasifik Cipta Mandiri also known as PCMan. The Solutions are based on Industry standard hardware and software with proven best practice implementation, which will resulted in effective yet efficient solutions for the customers. With the vision of the digitally connected world, we realize the importance of IT Services which will serve as one of the vital role for all sort of business in the 21st century and beyond. PCMan® with the distinctive mission, To be the service oriented, leading IT Solution Provider for the region.
Phone +62 – 21 – 5835 1035
Locality Jakarta
Thoroughfare Komplek Puri Niaga III Blok M8-3F Jalan Puri Kencana, Kembangan Selatan Jakarta Barat, Indonesia
Postal Code 11610
Country Indonesia
Description Renaissance has been a trusted partner to Irish resellers and their customers for over 30 years. They introduce new, cutting edge and industry leading Data Security and Compliance solutions into the Irish market and have helped introduce, in excess of 35 new security solutions over the past 5 years. Renaissance has built its reputation in the Irish market place, by offering leading edge market technologies, excellent pre/post sales service to its extensive network base, and an ongoing desire to bring added value to its customers.
Phone +353 (1) 2809410
Locality Dublin
State Dublin 18
Premise Ballyogan Road, D18 WD62
Thoroughfare Unit 8, Leopardstown Business Centre,
Postal Code
Country Ireland
Description Inside Technologies offre soluzioni e servizi, per tutto quello che riguarda Private e Public Cloud, Virtualization, System Management, Backup and Disaster Recovery, Security & Identity Management, Collaboration. Con oltre 15 anni di esperienza, abbiamo acquisito competenze che vengono messe a disposizione dei nostri clienti per realizzare soluzioni avanzate, e personalizzate, sulle singole esigenze. Siamo consulenti di fiducia per l’innovazione e guidiamo le aziende nella Digital Transformation supportandole attraverso tecnologie innovative, ottimizzando la gestione dell’intera infrastruttura aziendale.
Phone +39 02.87189713
Locality Milan
State MI
Thoroughfare Milan
Postal Code 0000
Country Italy
Description From 2008 Interdist Alliances has conducted a journey that has been full of adventures into the company it is today. Noticing a gap in the market for limited support and knowledge to technology partners, Interdist Alliances positioned themselves to represent those providing effective solutions. In 2020, Interdist Alliances united with Hiperdist to be one brand committed to African territories. The extraordinary course that Hiperdist has conducted, allows us to be present in multiple markets, situated in several countries. We partner with various international companies to bring their products to consumers across emerging markets. Besides distribution solutions, we provide integrated logistics services, support services and marketing services.
Locality Gauteng
Thoroughfare Unit 8, Rivonia Gate Office Park, 381 Rivonia Boulevard, Rivonia
Postal Code 2128
Country South Africa
Description From 2008 Interdist Alliances has conducted a journey that has been full of adventures into the company it is today. Noticing a gap in the market for limited support and knowledge to technology partners, Interdist Alliances positioned themselves to represent those providing effective solutions. In 2020, Interdist Alliances united with Hiperdist to be one brand committed to African territories. The extraordinary course that Hiperdist has conducted, allows us to be present in multiple markets, situated in several countries. We partner with various international companies to bring their products to consumers across emerging markets. Besides distribution solutions, we provide integrated logistics services, support services and marketing services.
Locality alger
Thoroughfare Rue Semmar, Lot 3, Bir Khadem
Postal Code
Country Algeria
Description From 2008 Interdist Alliances has conducted a journey that has been full of adventures into the company it is today. Noticing a gap in the market for limited support and knowledge to technology partners, Interdist Alliances positioned themselves to represent those providing effective solutions. In 2020, Interdist Alliances united with Hiperdist to be one brand committed to African territories. The extraordinary course that Hiperdist has conducted, allows us to be present in multiple markets, situated in several countries. We partner with various international companies to bring their products to consumers across emerging markets. Besides distribution solutions, we provide integrated logistics services, support services and marketing services.
Phone +212 520 222 400
Locality casablanca
Thoroughfare Espace Porte d’Anfa, 17 Rue Bab Mansour , 5éme Etage N° 20
Postal Code 20210
Country Morocco
Description We are Layer 8 Networks. Our Goal is the Happiness of all Mankind. Layer 8 Networks are a boutique consulting firm specialising in Networks and IP telephony. Our point of difference is we are able to offer tremendous value by designing a solution to suit customer requirements and not just pushing the vendor agenda. We work with our customers to deliver the outcomes they require.
Phone 1 300 689 526
Locality Blackburn South
State VIC
Thoroughfare Suite 4, 134 Canterbury Road
Postal Code 3130
Country Australia
Description Quotient ICT is an Information, Communications and Technology (ICT) managed service provider with a track record of delivering a wide range of technology solutions across all industries. We work with companies to right-size their IT infrastructure, deliver complex solutions across multiple geographies, and provide intrinsic support to business operations. We offer fully managed solutions which provide businesses with comprehensive Cloud and IT capabilities, underpinned by guaranteed cost certainty. We understand that every customer is unique, and through a comprehensive consultation process we seek to understand your business challenges and objectives.
Locality Double Bay
State NSW
Thoroughfare Level 1, 8 Knox Lane
Postal Code 2028
Country Australia
Description ASBISC Enterprises PLC specializes in Value Added Distribution (VAD), B2B market solutions, and ICT products distribution from global suppliers. Cooperating with the ICT industry giants, the Group’s expert teams configure hardware products and software elements, cloud-based services, and technologies to create commercially viable solutions of choice.
Phone + 359 02 428 4111
Locality Sofia
Premise Bulgaria Trade Center Europe bl.3
Thoroughfare 7 "Iskarsko shosse" blvd.
Postal Code 1528
Country Bulgaria
Description ASBISC Enterprises PLC specializes in Value Added Distribution (VAD), B2B market solutions, and ICT products distribution from global suppliers. Cooperating with the ICT industry giants, the Group’s expert teams configure hardware products and software elements, cloud-based services, and technologies to create commercially viable solutions of choice.
Phone 402 1 337 1097
Locality Bucuresti
Thoroughfare Splaiul Independentei 319, Sector 6
Postal Code 062650
Country Romania
Description ASBISC Enterprises PLC specializes in Value Added Distribution (VAD), B2B market solutions, and ICT products distribution from global suppliers. Cooperating with the ICT industry giants, the Group’s expert teams configure hardware products and software elements, cloud-based services, and technologies to create commercially viable solutions of choice.
Phone + 386 (0) 590 79 927
Locality Trzin
Thoroughfare Brodišče 15
Postal Code 1236
Country Slovenia
Description Компания OCS Distribution основана в 1994 г. Является одним из ведущих игроков в дистрибуции компьютерной техники, телекоммуникационного, периферийного, пассивного и сетевого оборудования, компонентов, систем хранения данных, инфраструктурного программного обеспечения, расходных материалов, аксессуаров, бытовой техники и электроники, гаджетов. В настоящий момент OCS Distribution имеет самую широкую среди российских дистрибуторов региональную сеть офисов в 27 городах России. OCS фокусируется на проектной и вольюмной дистрибуции: работе с системными интеграторами, поставщиками корпоративного рынка, розничными сетями, представителями российской сборки, разработчиками программного обеспечения, универсальными реселлерами и др. Партнерская база OCS Distribution также не имеет аналогов по региональному присутствию и объему – она насчитывает порядка 7000 компаний России.
Phone +74959952575
Locality Moscow
State MOW
Thoroughfare 6 str 1, Office Park «COMCITY» Kiyevskoye Shosse, Rumyantsevo
Postal Code 108811
Country Russia