
Scalable Application Delivery for Service Providers

Kemp provides a scalable, cost-effective way to load balance application traffic with metered licensing and unlimited instances that leverage existing infrastructure.

Managed Service Providers

Offer innovative services that create differentiation and add to your bottom line. Avoid financial and operational challenges of per-customer load balancers and large multi-tenant appliances. Kemp’s approach to licensing and operation means services are profitable from day one and easily maintained.

Cloud Service Providers

Feature-rich load balancer instances bring resilience, security and scale to customer applications without CapEx investment in licenses or hardware platforms. Offer cost effective and efficient load balancing and advanced application delivery in your cloud services portfolio.

SaaS Providers

Maintain a scalable platform for applications with pay-as-you-go load balancers. Avoid purchasing dedicated hardware that is over-provisioned for peak usage and imposes capacity limits. Clustering virtual ADCs gives unlimited capacity and flexibility to match customer usage.


TDC delivers always-on application experience with Kemp

It’s easy, it’s the way we grow. Kemp grows with us.

Anders Orsted Pedersen,
Unified Communications and Collaboration Manager, TDC Group

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Service Providers Challenges Include

  • Offering cloud-native services that are profitable from Day 1
  • Managing SLAs in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud
  • Flexibility to incorporate advanced technologies into their own services
  • Developing strong partnerships that extend capabilities, reach and footprint

Profitable from Day 1

Our licensing drives ARPU and gives you a risk-free path to profitable value-added services.

Pooled Licensing is flexible, on-demand capacity for application delivery. This OpEx model aligns expenditure with revenues, requires no up-front investment and can flex to meet changing demands on a month-to-month basis.


Delivering against SLAs and preventing outages

Standard APM and NPM monitoring tools only provide rear-view mirror identification of application and network related problems. LoadMaster 360 identifies emerging issues and provides preemptive remediation before application availability suffers, which is key to meeting customer SLAs.

SLA compliance in multi-cloud and hybrid cloud is simplified with preemptive issue identification. As an application stack issue is identified, the service will alert on the emerging issue, and provide remediation guidance to prevent the emergence of an SLA impacting event.


Scale anyway you want

If an ADC in the application experience fabric needs to deliver additional capacity, it can simply scale up by assigning additional hypervisor or cloud resources. If capacity needs to be scaled out, additional ADC instances can be deployed and configured via API. Traffic is never restricted due to a license limitation allowing deployed ADC instances to scale down, up and out as demands change.


Flexibility without limits

Customers application delivery requirements vary wildly, and services must be able to address these variances economically. Customers with high-value, low-traffic workloads still need high-availability, 24/7 monitoring and application security. Serving these customers using traditional models is expensive as features may require higher priced models or add-ons. Kemp’s application experience fabric includes these features, making it cost-effective to address customers of any size. This flexibility means hyper-scale deployments can be offered to large customers, without the risk or complexity of sizing a traditionally licensed ADC. Costs are linear with usage so there are none of the step upgrades that traditional solutions encounter when capacity is reached.


Multi-tenancy simplified

Multi-tenancy is often a premium offering from ADC vendors with custom hardware and limited tenancy slots. With Kemp, the existing virtualization platform hosts the ADC instances allowing the maximum use of existing assets and avoidance of custom hardware. Multi-tenant systems restrict the number and size of tenant slots supported making it difficult to deliver services to customers who don’t fit into the ADC vendor tenant sizing options. There is no limitation on the number of customer instances, no minimum or maximum size constraints and no need to purchase excess capacity.


Automate for Efficiency and Consistency

Kemp LoadMaster includes a RESTful API to simplify the lifecycle management of ADC instances including deployment, configuration management and scaling. This API is consistent across all platforms and when combined with the operational capabilities of LoadMaster 360, offers a single point of control for all instances under management from a single, consistent point.


Differentiate with innovative services

With the flexibility of Kemp, new services can be easily delivered that provide competitive advantage and that contribute to the bottom line.

Customer Use CaseSolution
Application has SLA that must be metLoadMaster 360 delivers increased application availability by monitoring the application experience fabric and preemptively identifying issues across the application delivery stack. It then offers remediation before these issues become customer impacting problems.
Customer has a multi-platform environment encompassing cloud and on-premises platformsKemp’s application experience fabric provides a single, consistent view of application delivery resources regardless of where they are deployed. LoadMaster 360 simplifies operational tasks and provides features such as VSmotion to simplify services migration. LoadMaster 360 provides insight across all resources greatly simplifying the challenge of monitoring and remediating across multiple platforms.
Customer requires a highly available application platformWith no restriction on the number of load balancer instances, every customer can have a highly available pair of load balancers which redirect traffic in the event of an application server outage. There is no additional cost for this as billing is based on the traffic, not the instance count.
Customer requires application protection from web-based attacksKemp offer a Web Application Firewall (WAF) which enables service providers to deliver additional value without investing in dedicated security infrastructure. WAF rules are automatically updated on a daily basis which creates a sticky value proposition for customers.
Disaster RecoveryExisting DR services can be enhanced with the Geographic Server Load Balancing (GLSB) capabilities that are included with Kemp’s application experience fabric. Automatic connection failover transparently redirects clients to the recovery site which reduces the complexity of implementing a site failover.

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