Description Panamerica Computers Inc, dba PCi Tec, will assist your IT management team to identify and procure the best IT hardware and software solutions tailored to meet your immediate and long term needs. We offer evaluation and support prior to your purchase, and leverage our portfolio of vendor partnerships and government schedules to ensure that you are maximizing you're return on investment. Our sales team has been serving a wide variety of government and business clients since 1993 and is positioned to offer your organization a broad selection of programs and services. In addition to hardware and software, PCi Tec can provide pre- and post-sales support and technical assistance.
Email Contact partner
Phone (540) 635-4402
Locality Luray
State VA
Thoroughfare 1386 Big Oak Road
Postal Code 22835
Country United States
Description Intégrateur et hébergeur de solutions IT, le Groupe Diademys s'est imposé en 8 ans comme un acteur de référence dans le secteur des services en Infrastructures et Cloud-Computing. Nos 150 collaborateurs apportent à nos clients une réelle valeur ajoutée, liée à la transformation de la fonction informatique via les Infrastructures (Stockage, Virtualisation, Sécurité, Cloud Computing, Poste de Travail, Services collaboratifs et d’organisation SI.)
Email [email protected]
Phone +33 1 44 01 53 53
Locality Suresnes
Thoroughfare 28 Quai Gallieni
Postal Code 92150
Country France
Description YOU / Solutions collaboratives de pointe : Exchange & Skype for Business, Office 365 (ADFS, hybride) • Depuis plus de 10 ans, nos équipes accompagnent les entreprises dans la conception, la mise en place et l'optimisation des infrastructures collaboratives les plus performantes du marché. • Notre savoir-faire englobe tout l’écosystème collaboratif Microsoft en entreprise, Cloud ou hybride. • Nos atouts : Microsoft Gold Partner / Pédagogie et expérience utilisateur / Expertise en gestion de projets complexes et internationaux / Réactivité / Offres sur mesure
Email [email protected]
Phone +33 1 49 97 89 25
Thoroughfare 221 Boulevard Saint-Denis
Postal Code 92400
Country France
Description Neocles Corporate S.A.S. provides information technology integration and infrastructure services. The company was founded in 1998 and is based in Saint Ouen, France.
Email [email protected]
Phone +33 1 49 21 21 21
Locality Montreuil
Thoroughfare 15 rue Henri Rol-Tanguy
Postal Code 93558
Country France
Description Fondée en 1995 par Jean-Michel LEFAURE, PLANET Bourgogne est une Entreprise de Services du Numérique (ESN) basée à Saint-Apollinaire (21). Ses activités s'articulent autour de deux axes principaux. L'hébergement et l'infogérance. La société dispose de sa propre salle machine, au sein de ses locaux : plus de 350 serveurs sont exploités par les équipes. Et le développement web et mobile avec une spécialisation dans la mise en œuvre de projets sur-mesure. 20 projets majeurs (de 20 à 200 jours) sont conduits chaque année.
Email [email protected]
Phone +33
Locality Saint Apollinaire
Thoroughfare 24 rue de la Redoute
Postal Code 21850
Country France
Description En croissance depuis plus de 35 ans, SCC est le partenaire privilégié pour optimiser votre infrastructure en tirant le meilleur parti de vos ressources IT. Face à des marchés et technologies de plus en plus complexes, la mise en place d'infrastructures est plus que jamais soumise à une exigence de performance. SCC optimise et améliore en permanence son offre de services afin de répondre au mieux aux exigences de ses clients.
Email [email protected]
Phone + 33 1 41 91 33 33
Locality Nanterre
Thoroughfare 96 Rue des Trois Fontanot
Postal Code 92744
Country France
Description At MJ Flood Technology we specialise in providing business solutions for Irish enterprise, across the public and private sectors. We recognise that developments in technology have revolutionised the fabric of global industry and Irish companies are under increasing pressure to reduce costs and improve supply chain metrics in an effort to boost competitiveness.We view technology as a business enabler - delivering improvements in business processes to employees, suppliers and customers alike, using the power of public and/or private networks to extend the reach of your organisation.From consultancy and network design services, through to cloud services and managed IT support, our portfolio spans the entire project lifecycle, providing end-to-end consistency and excellence in customer service. We have the experience and track record to deploy a solution which fits your business model and budget and protects your existing investment in technology.
Email [email protected]
Phone +353 1 466 3557
Locality Dublin D22 V4F5
Premise Baldonnell Business Park
Thoroughfare Clonlara Avenue
Postal Code
Country Ireland
Description Simplex is Cyprus’ leading provider of world-class premium carrier-neutral data center services and a leading enterprise IT integrator with all services of the company being ISO 9001 certified. Through a complete product and services portfolio and partnerships with leading IT vendors, Simplex is a single point of contact for all the ICT needs of an enterprise.
Email [email protected]
Phone +357 25 822 100
Locality Limassol
Premise 72 Thessalonikis Street
Thoroughfare 4th Floor, Zenios Center
Postal Code 3025
Country Cyprus
Description Infocell was founded in 2002 in Moscow and since that the company has become a high-tech competence center of expertise in the field of infrastructure integration and services. Today we employ more than one hundred professionals with successful project experience and certifications in solutions and products of award-winning software and hardware manufacturers. Half of them are highly qualified engineers and pre-sales specialists; the other half is involved in taking strategic and operational decisions, project management, customer relations, helping running the business. There is a dedicated Technical Support Center that operates 24х7х365 and is available both for headquarters and regional offices of our customers.
Email [email protected]
Phone +7 (495) 651 8285
Locality Moscow
State MOW
Thoroughfare 31 Ibragimova Street
Postal Code 105318
Country Russia
Description More than twenty years of experience working in various segments of the industry and with a high level of expertise and continuous adoption of new technologies, company Storm Computers has positioned itself as one of the leading Croatian companies in the development, implementation and maintenance of complex and comprehensive business information and communication systems in accordance with the specific needs of customers.
Email [email protected]
Phone +385 1 2352 200
Locality 10000 Zagreb
Thoroughfare Savica I 127
Postal Code
Country Croatia
Description GCT mbH ist seit 1989 professioneller IT-Dienstleister im Rhein-Main-Gebiet mit Sitz in Bad Homburg v.d.H. Das Team der GCT unterstützt kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen darin, Geschäftsprozesse mit IT-Lösungen gewinnbringend zu digitalisieren und sich auf ihr Kerngeschäft zu konzentrieren: IT-Systemhaus - Sie legen die Betreuung Ihrer eigenen IT-Infrastruktur in unsere Hände als Externe IT-Abteilung. Hosting-Dienstleister - Sie beziehen Ihre Ihre IT aus unserer Private Cloud im GCT Rechenzentrum in Frankfurt. Managed Services - Sie mieten flexibel und kostengünstig IT-Dienste für Kommunikation, Datensicherheit und Datensicherung.
Email [email protected]
Phone 06172 94 86-0
Locality Bad Homburg
Thoroughfare Im Atzelnest 3
Postal Code 61352
Country Germany
Description InBase - dynamicznie rozwijająca się Firma, która jest dostawcą rozwiązań informatycznych dla biznesu. Specjalizujemy się w ochronie informacji, a w szczególności w ochronie danych osobowych i danych medycznych. Naszym Klientom dostarczamy najwyższej klasy rozwiązania i usługi IT, a oferowane przez nas produkty podnoszą poziom bezpieczeństwa jak również usprawniają funkcjonowanie każdej organizacji. W naszym portfolio znajdują się wszelkie niezbędne narzędzia wspierające zarządzanie bezpieczeństwa informacji. Misją firmy jest stworzenie dobrze działającego przedsiębiorstwa poprzez dostarczanie najnowszych technologii informatycznych umożliwiających wspieranie procesów biznesowych naszych Klientów dzięki zapewnieniu odpowiedniego poziomu bezpieczeństwa informacji.
Email [email protected]
Phone +48 22 350 0140
Locality Warszawa
Premise Lentza 10
Thoroughfare ul. Stanisława
Postal Code 02-956
Country Poland
Description Wenn aus Ideen leistungsfähige IT-Lösungen werden sollen, sind durchdachte Strategien, Erfahrungswissen und innovative Technologien gefragt. All das finden mittelständische Unternehmen bei uns – und noch vieles mehr. IT-KONTOR ist ein servicestarkes IT-Systemhaus in Norddeutschland, dessen Lösungen und Softwareprodukte mit den Herausforderungen unserer Kunden wachsen. Ob Sie Daten webbasierend visualisieren, bestehende Systeme optimieren oder eine völlig neue Infrastruktur etablieren wollen: Wir führen Kundenprojekte zum Erfolg und das seit über 10 Jahren. Unsere Mission ist es, die richtige Lösung zu entwickeln, das beste Angebot zu erstellen, auf die richtige Technologie zu setzen und unseren Kunden ein zuverlässiger Partner zu sein.
Email [email protected]
Phone +49 461 318 9000
Locality Flensburg
Thoroughfare Neustadt 56
Postal Code 24939
Country Germany
Description 22nd Century Technologies was founded in 1997 in New Jersey, and is currently among the leading IT services firms in the United States. We have been providing strategic technology solutions for government and commercial organizations across various industries. At 22nd Century Technologies we work with our clients to develop multi-faceted solutions integrating strategy, innovation, analytics and process improvements.
Email [email protected]
Phone 866-537-9191
Locality McLean
State VA
Premise Suite 250
Thoroughfare 8251 Greensboro Drive
Postal Code 22102
Country United States
Description AccessAgility, LLC has a successful track record of delivering customized solutions on time and on budget. AccessAgility is a small business (SB) that was founded in 2008 by IT professionals with shared experience working in the federal sector. We focus on quality, integrity, and excellent customer service.
Email [email protected]
Phone 703.870.3949
Locality Vienna
State VA
Premise Suite 250
Thoroughfare 8601 Westwood Center Drive
Postal Code 22182
Country United States
Description Ace Computers Government & Education offers K-12, higher education and other educational institutions, as well as state, local and federal governments the benefits of personalized service that builds lasting partnerships. Highly specialized teams are dedicated to each market offering customized solutions that range from initial consulting, procurement and product delivery to maintenance and support. Ace Computers Government & Education also combines national resources with top quality products from major manufacturers on its GSA Schedule, including leasing options.
Email [email protected]
Phone 1 877 ACE-COMP
Locality Elk Grove Village
State IL
Thoroughfare 575 Lively Blvd
Postal Code 60007
Country United States
Description In a crowded federal IT market, Affigent stands apart as a turnkey solution provider that repeatedly demonstrates the right offerings, technology knowledge and business process expertise needed by our government customers. Affigent’s core offerings include a comprehensive suite of proven services and solutions: Enterprise Software; Security; Infrastructure Services; Cloud Computing and Data Center Transformation and the Cloud, Networks and Communication and Mobility.
Email [email protected]
Phone 866.977.8524
Locality Herndon
State VA
Premise Suite 400N
Thoroughfare 13873 Park Center Road
Postal Code 20171
Country United States
Description Alliance Technology Group is a leading Systems Integrator and IT solutions company with a team of highly skilled practitioners, specializing in IT Infrastructure, Cloud Computing and Professional Services. To our customers in the private and public sectors, we have become the trusted partner to cost-effectively and reliably harness the full potential of the Cloud. Alliance’s Converged Infrastructure solutions transform IT technology silos into interoperable shared pools of resources—servers, storage and network connectivity.
Email [email protected]
Phone (410) 712-0270
Locality Hanover
State MD
Thoroughfare 7010 Hi Tech Drive
Postal Code 21076
Country United States
Description Afognak Native Corporation, Alutiiq, LLC, and their subsidiary companies exhibit solid financial strength. These companies have the tools and infrastructure necessary to meet their financial obligations and complete projects within deadlines while exceeding customer expectations. The companies’ continued growth and sustainable cash flow enables them to finance and bond large scale projects. They have outstanding records of consistently performing well on contracts requiring rapid start-up in multiple project locations
Email [email protected]
Phone (907) 222-9500
Locality Anchorage
State AK
Premise Suite 500
Thoroughfare 3909 Arctic Boulevard
Postal Code 99503
Country United States
Description American Wordata, Inc. has been a leading Information Technology provider with a focus on Federal, Prime and State & Local customers. Our value add to our customers is that we offer end to end solutions from many different manufacturers which help the customer choose the right solution for their needs. We have developed a remarkable reputation exceeding customer expectations for delivering IT products and hardware-related services to military and civilian agencies and the companies that serve them
Email [email protected]
Phone 301-286-1478
Locality Tampa
State FL
Premise Suite #112
Thoroughfare 13529 Prestige Place
Postal Code 33635
Country United States