Description PERFORMANCE Technologies is an IT company headquartered in Greece and operating internationally in the SEEMEA region. We bring to the marketplace means and facilities to store, retrieve, protect, share and manage information & systems within all major computing environments including UNIX, LINUX, Windows and mainframe platforms. Our focus areas are virtualization and cloud computing, enterprise storage, disaster recovery & business continuity, IT security, Business Solutions and IT systems and services management.
Phone 30 21 0994 7100
Locality Athina
Thoroughfare Evrimedontos 4,
Postal Code 104 35
Country Greece
Description İnfotürk Bilgisayar Elektronik Hiz. San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti., her biri akademisyen ve mühendis kimlikleri taşıyan üç ortağın bir araya gelerek kurduğu ve temelleri 1997 yılında Denizli’de atılan bir sistem entegratör firmadır. Kuruluşunu takip eden yıllarda büyümesini aralıksız devam ettiren İnfotürk, kısa zamanda bölgesinin en büyük, Türkiye’nin de sayılı sistem entegratör firmalarından biri haline gelmiştir.
Email [email protected]
Phone 90 (258) 2412694
Locality Merkezefendi
State Denizli
Thoroughfare Gerzele Mahallesi, Kanyon Cd. 32/A,
Postal Code 20040
Country Turkey
Description The Continental Search Alliance (CSA) combines some of the most experienced executive search Consultants in Europe. Our breadth of knowledge across the entire EMEA geography has seen us fulfil some of the most challenging talent mandates on behalf of our clients
Phone 34 91 838 53 54
Locality Madrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Pº Castellana, 93 Planta 12,
Postal Code 28046
Country Spain
Description Grupo ITE ofrece a sus clientes soluciones integrales, en los sectores de aeronáutico, y defensa buscando siempre la excelencia en su servicio. La finalidad del Grupo es, impulsar y coordinar directamente las actividades de las empresas a través de la planificación y consecución de las estrategias fijadas por la Junta directiva.
Email [email protected]
Phone 34 914916505
Locality Madrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Pitágoras 7 1ª Planta Polígono Industrial San Marcos, Getafe,
Postal Code 28906
Country Spain
Description Dell proporcina un impulso a países, comunidades, clientes y personas de todo el mundo para que puedan utilizar la tecnología necesaria para hacer realidad sus suenos. Los clientes confían en nosotros para que les proporcionemos soluciones tecnológicas que les ayuden a lograr más y a progresar, desde casa, el trabajo, el colegio o en cualquir parte del mundo. Descruba más sobre nuestra historia, nuestros objectivos y las personas que se encuentran detrás de este concepto de servicios centrados en el cliente.
Phone +34 911 88 89 28
Locality Madrid
State Madrid
Thoroughfare Calle de la Ribera del Loira, 8
Postal Code 28042
Country Spain
Description Impulsamos tu proceso de transformación digital, brindamos mayor protección informática a las organizaciones, desarrollamos infraestructuras de telecomunicaciones y te ofrecemos el mejor equipo humano especializado en tecnologías de la información.Contamos con 35 años de buen hacer y una cartera de 200 clientes recurrentes. Nos avalan todas las certificaciones necesarias para el desarrollo de nuestras actividades: gestión de calidad, seguridad de la información, gestión de servicios TI y gestión ambiental -ISO 9001, ISO 27001, ISO 20000 e ISO 14001, respectivamente-.
Phone 34 934 52 02 65
Locality Barcelona
State Barcelona
Thoroughfare Carrer dels Almogàvers, 119,
Postal Code 08018
Country Spain
Phone +34 955 08 73 00
Locality Sevilla
State Sevilla
Thoroughfare Calle Leonardo da Vinci, 13,
Postal Code 41092
Country Spain
Description Claranet es uno de los mayores proveedores de servicios gestionados de Europa. Ofrecemos soluciones de cloud, hosting y redes a miles de clientes empresariales de todos los sectores de actividad, desde retail hasta ocio y viajes, pasando por healthcare, media y marketing o software y desarrollo. Desde 1996, nuestra misión es ayudar a las empresas a centrarse en su negocio y hacerlo crecer.
Email [email protected]
Phone 34902 884 633
Locality Barcelona
Thoroughfare Carrer de Juan Gris, 10-18,
Postal Code 08014
Country Portugal
Description CESCE es la cabecera de un grupo de empresas que ofrece soluciones integrales para la gestión del crédito comercial en parte de Europa y Latinoamérica. CESCE es también la Agencia de Crédito a la Exportación (ECA) española que gestiona el seguro de crédito a la exportación por cuenta del Estado en España. La agencia de calificación de riesgos Standard&Poor’s subió en 2018 el rating a largo plazo de CESCE a A- , desde BBB+, con perspectiva estable. La agencia de calificación de riesgos considera que CESCE cuenta con un perfil financiero fuerte, basado en un capital de solvencia que excede el AAA, y unos resultados elevados.
Phone 34 902 11 10 10
Locality Madrid
Thoroughfare Velázquez Street, 74,
Postal Code 28001
Country Portugal
Description Nascida em 2013, a GONKSYS, S.A. é uma empresa integradora de soluções tecnológicas que engloba um grupo de pessoas com vasta experiência na área dos Sistemas e Tecnologias de Informação. O princípio básico que nos norteia é o desenvolvimento de um espírito de grupo criativo, integrador, inovador e responsável, em que a confiança e o compromisso são os alicerces de toda a nossa actividade. Procuramos, assim, dar resposta a solicitações diversas e complexas provenientes dos diferentes sectores do ramo empresarial, económico-financeiro, social, educativo e da saúde.
Email [email protected]
Phone 351 22 321 7500
Locality Porto
Thoroughfare Rua António Nicolau D’Almeida, 45 – 1.8, Edifício Porto Office,
Postal Code 4100-320
Country Portugal
Description is an information technology services company that works with government organizations, financial institutions and commercial enterprises to solve their most demanding IT and business challenges. Unipartner is a privately held company created following the reorganisation of Unisys’ business in 2015. This redefined Unisys’ operations in EMEA and in Portugal the company now supports clients through an indirect presence. To support the new model, Unipartner has been made a Unisys Service Partner to ensure the continuity of projects and business relationships for a wide number of clients and engagements.
Phone 351 21 017 1610
Locality Porto Salvo
Thoroughfare Rua Encosta das Lagoas Edif 5B-5.ºPiso,
Postal Code 2740-245
Country Portugal
Description Akito s.r.l. nasce dalla volontà imprenditoriale di 8 professionisti di costituire una nuova azienda nel mondo dell'Information Technology che possa diventare un punto di riferimento nel mercato ICT per le tematiche legate alla Security ed in particolare alla Cyber Security. Il nome scelto “Akito” è carico di valore simbolico e racchiude in sé la condivisione da parte dei soci fondatori di valori sia umani che professionali.
Email [email protected]
Phone +39 0759660640
Locality Perugia
State PG
Thoroughfare Via Settevalli 133/C
Postal Code 06129
Country Italy
Description BT è uno dei principali provider mondiali di servizi e soluzioni di comunicazione, con clienti in 180 Paesi. Operiamo a livello globale ed eroghiamo servizi in ambito locale, con i 17,000 esperti di Global Services impegnati a servire le primarie aziende multinazionali. Grazie all’ampiezza del nostro raggio di azione e delle capability che ci contraddistinguono siamo in una posizione unica per supportare le aziende in tutto il mondo, con soluzioni che rispondono alle necessità più complesse in tema di comunicazioni. Siamo innovativi nel modo di pensare ed affidabili nel modo di lavorare.
Phone +39 02 8371 4000
Locality Milano
State MI
Thoroughfare Via Tucidide, 56 - Torre 7,
Postal Code 20134
Country Italy
Description ALEF is a reliable supplier of information technologies since 1994. We became one of the largest and strongest distributors in the Eastern Europe – with offices in Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia. ALEF strongly specialize in technology. ALEF's expert center with extensive number of engineers allow us to provide full range of presales and postsales services, including certified trainings, professional, consulting and managed services as well as operating ALEF's own CSIRT. ALEF has direct contracts with Cisco, NetApp, Meraki, F5 Networks Flowmon, Thycotic, Arris, KEMP, Libelium and some minor vendors. ALEF is constantly growing company with current annual revenue over 150M EUR employing more than 220 professionals.
Email [email protected]
Phone +385 1 645 9212
Locality Zagreb
Thoroughfare Ul. Grada Vukovara 284,
Postal Code 10000
Country Croatia
Description Partner Company description (for KEMP website): NewCytech Business Solutions Ltd, a wholly owned subsidiary of Logicom Public Ltd, is a Systems Integration company with headquarters in Cyprus and activities in the neighboring geographical region. Over the last 30 years of its operations, NewCytech has developed win-win, strategic relationships with the most prominent international technology vendors, created and delivered innovative value-add services to its clientele and successfully completed multiple Integration Projects for important organizations.
Email [email protected]
Phone +357 22558600
Locality Strovolos
Thoroughfare 45 Vyzantiou Street,
Postal Code CY-2064
Country Cyprus
Description Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Doha, Qatar Datamation Systems (QDS) is a specialist IT services, solution provider and systems integrator. QDS has strengthened its play and expanded its presence in the regional IT solutions, services and support market by building long term relationships with customers and principles. Since its inception, QDS has been growing from strength to strength blending the latest technology with impeccable business acumen and meeting the most challenging requirements of fast evolving IT landscape through strategic joint ventures, world class vendor alliances, extensive and strategic vertical focus and a well-trained and talented workforce.
Email [email protected]
Phone 974 44439900
Locality Doha
Thoroughfare 203 GRIDCO III C RING Road, Ad Doha 13856
Postal Code
Country Qatar
Description Northamber is the longest established trade-only distributor of IT equipment in the UK. Since 1980, Northamber has been your partner in IT distribution. Today we are widely recognised as the largest UK owned trade-only distributor within our industry. We have a fully trained and knowledgable sales team at the end of the phone for your more complicated orders and, for technical configuration help, we have specialists in each area of our business who can answer any pre-sales questions. A fully fitted configuration centre to have your software installed, servers configured and standard images installed onto your systems before shipping. We can also asset tag, pre-configure and custom build PCs and servers. Northamber is a one-stop shop for all your computer needs and we look forward to helping you and your business.
Email [email protected]
Phone 020 8296 7166
Locality Chessington
State Surrey
Thoroughfare 23 Davis Road
Postal Code KT9 1HS
Country United Kingdom
Description Bilişim Teknolojileri sektöründe çeyrek asırdan fazla deneyime sahip Alto Teknoloji Bilişim Çözümleri Dış Tic. ve Ltd. Şti. , İzmir merkezli olup, Türkiye ve yurtdışında da faaliyet gösteren, sektöründe müşteri memnuniyeti konusunda öncü kuruluşlarından birisidir.
Email [email protected]
Phone 90 232 483 05 02
Locality Çankaya
State İzmir
Thoroughfare Şair Eşref Bulvarı No : 6/208
Postal Code 35210
Country Turkey
Description Dell EMC Select Solutions - Dell EMC Select Solutions delivers a portfolio of industry-leading partner products to optimize your Dell EMC infrastructure. <a href=""></a> - Dell EMC ECS & Kemp ECS Connection Manager Solution Brief, <a href=""></a>
Email [email protected]
Phone 1-800-357-3355
Locality Round Rock
State TX
Thoroughfare One Dell Way
Postal Code 78682
Country United States
Description платиновый партнер и авторизованный сервисный центр корпорации Oracle в Узбекистане. Компания является системным интегратором широкого профиля с богатым портфелем решений и услуг, в том числе специализированных, учитывающих отраслевые особенности бизнеса заказчиков. Осуществляем разработку собственного программного обеспечения и адаптацию существующего.
Email [email protected]
Phone 998 71 235 94 20, 998 71 234 85 56
Locality Рашидова
Thoroughfare г. Ташкент, ул. Ш, 96А
Postal Code 100084
Country Uzbekistan