Kemp Technologies

Kemp Technologies

A hybrid approach to microservices with Kemp

Introduction In our previous blogs, we introduced Kubernetes, explained the challenges it brings for Network administrators, particularly exposing Kubernetes services for access. We also looked in detail at the Ingress Controller and its functionality in controlling …

March 30, 2021

Object Storage and Load Balancing :: Scality and Kemp

Storage is exciting and hot.  Who would have predicted that sentiment 15 years ago?  Data is needed for everything from artificial intelligence (AI) to the storage of the more than 500 hours of …

March 29, 2021

Microsoft Exchange Security Vulnerabilities Mitigation using Kemp LoadMaster

Due to the recent Microsoft Vulnerabilities this post explains how Kemp LoadMaster provides mitigation and protection against such attacks.

March 15, 2021

The Kemp Ingress Controller Explained

Introduction In our previous blogs we explained Kubernetes, the challenges it brings for Network administrators and described the different mechanisms for exposing Kubernetes services for user access. It is clear there are a number of …

Exposing Kubernetes Services

Introduction Catch up on last weeks post on the Impact of Kubernetes on Network Administrators here. Container based microservice applications, provide benefits to the development and operation of applications and …

February 24, 2021

Impact of Kubernetes on Network Administrators

Introduction Following on from last weeks Kuberntes introduction, this week we look at the impact of Kubernetes on network Administrators. Lately, there is massive interest in the move to microservice …

February 17, 2021

What is Kubernetes?

Introduction With the recent addition of the Kemp Ingress Controller for Kubernetes (available now in LoadMaster firmware 7.2.53), what better time to look at the role Kubernetes plays in delivering …

February 11, 2021

Confessions of a Certified Citrix Engineer on Load Balancing

As a certified Citrix Network Engineer my experience of Citrix NetScaler load balancing (now known as Citrix ADC) has changed over the years. I was first introduced into Citrix technologies …

February 10, 2021

Q&A: 5 Reasons to Replace Citrix ADC Load Balancing with Kemp

We recently delivered a webinar outlining why Kemp LoadMaster is a better option than Citrix ADC (formally Citrix NetScaler) as a load balancing solution. During the webinar We outlined five …

January 28, 2021

Cloud Native Load Balancing Versus Kemp

Cloud-first deployment is the choice of many organizations when they are looking to roll out new applications and services, or when they come to upgrade existing ones. The benefits of …

January 21, 2021

Going Full NetSecOps with Kemp Acquisition of Flowmon

Kemp, the leader in powering always-on application experience [AX], has aquired Flowmon Networks, a leader in actionable network intelligence solutions for network and security operations (NetSecOps) teams.

November 20, 2020

All the Ops – What are They?

The IT sector, like all specialized industries, has developed language shorthand and words to make communication easier. Everyone is expected to know what they mean so that conversations and writing …

November 12, 2020