Kemp Technologies Blogs

Automation and KEMP – The PowerShell way!

Kemp Technologies | Posted on | ADC | Load Balancer

As we foray more and more into advanced computing evidenced today by explosion of devices, increasing dependency on services and cloud computing becoming mainstream, APIs are becoming highly relevant and integral to any product or service. API integration is already prevalent in many services such as Windows Azure, Amazon – AWS offering and others. The use of APIs continue enabling many scenarios ranging from B2B product and service integration to automation of tasks small to big using machine-to-machine (M2M) communications.

Looking back a few versions, we had just introduced RESTful API interface for KEMP LoadMaster family of products. It was great inclusion which opened up automation of virtual service management. Combine that with PowerShell’s ability to interact with RESTful API and you had full set of our RESTful API capabilities at your disposal through PowerShell.

If you aren’t familiar with KEMP’s RESTful API, you can find detailed documentation here.

It, however, meant that as an IT professional, you didn’t only need to know PowerShell, but also need to learn the RESTful API and RESTful methods KEMP LM has to offer. It is a little bit more than simple inconvenience for a PowerShell scripter like me.

PowerShell for LoadMaster

The good news is, we never stopped at the API. Enter PowerShell for KEMP LoadMaster.

With introduction of PowerShell module, we are now opening up automation possibilities even further. With gentler learning curve, better error handling and parameter validation, PowerShell provides a great option to automate your KEMP LoadMaster family of products.

Would you like to learn more? Interested in trying out the beta and gain voice to make a difference before we release the PowerShell functionality to masses? We are inviting IT pro community to participate in beta program with simple requirement of active participation and valuable constructive feedback.

Want to Participate?

If you would like to participate in beta communities, please sign up for an account (unless you already have one) on and send an email to with your forum username.

If you aren’t the one wanting to live on bleeding edge, stay tuned, we will be releasing more details and glimpses of the PowerShell automation in action.


The Author

At KEMP Technologies, we invite internal and external industry experts to provide their expert insights on new releases and technologies and find out what they’re excited about. This Blog post is created by KEMP’s own Director of Product Research & Innovation, and dual Microsoft Certified Master for Lync and Exchange, Bhargav Shukla.